Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa is Coming!

It is true, Santa is approaching! I can *FEEL* it. Maybe it's the craziness of last minute shopping, the long lines, or replaying the same 10 Christmas songs in my head again and again - I am excited! Maybe it's the cookies I made - Peanut Blossoms and used a chocolate cordial on top instead of the usual boring chocolate kiss.

Oh, where you waiting for a picture?


I am delighted these have lasted this long. Usually my cookies don't even hit the cookie jar.

Over the weekend we received something crazy like 18 inches of snow. That's what I heard and I believe them. When the bottom of my car is scraping the top few inches of snow from the driveway that hasn't been plowed yet since "there's no point, it's still snowing", I know we have at least a foot of snow. And this is when the baking of various treats start.

I just heard something that I must admit, sounds like the craziest way to cut down a Christmas tree - ya shoot it down. Yes, that's right. You pick out your evergreen tree, stand back and BANG - shoot it down. Since it's frozen, it should just fall - ? Have you ever heard of this tactic?
I'm sure we will try this next year if I remember.

Happy Solstice!! I'm delighted the sunlight won't be fading away at 4pm!


Gettysburg Mom said...

dear god... only in the adirondacks would someone think to try this!

Phill said...

Wonder if that's how they take them down over at Asplin, or whatever that tree farm is called now. Happy baking!