Monday, December 29, 2008

Almost Done

The holidays are so amazing - especially up here in the ADK's. With snow romantically falling, multi-color lights brightening up the living room and little bits of whimsy all over. Oh and the smell of homebaked cookies...MMMMMMmmm!

Then, then you hear it from across the mall - the child that hasn't slept in 14 days CRYING, WHINING - DEMANDING said toy that he/she saw on TV. I can feel my fallopian tubes knot themselves up. MY GOSH - that mother better buy THAT toy - pronto! For my sanity, please - I will contribute cash - either remove child from my range of hearing or give me a tranquilizer!

So, that's shopping - crazy people flocking displays, sales racks and running for the door - just to be stuck in that hour long line that hasn't inched a bit. After all the gifts are open, removed from their packaging and played with for 20 seconds (my new demands are that my kid needs to play with the toy for longer than it took me to remove it from it's packaging origami) just to toss it aside and ask for this new toy - still in box - to be removed. Go see your dad.

Happy New Year's to everyone! I hope you have a safe one.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Construction Zone!

In the beginning we had this:

which is now our driveway...the tarp was our cover from rain, eating area and storage. We would camp out there every weekend for months. We only had a charcoal grill which took FOREVER to get going. And when you are staving, it was FOREVER waiting for a hot dog, or 3.

This site is where our home is now. We did a great deal of clearing. The boys chainsawed, I loaded up the fires. On a few days, I had help. Otherwise, I managed hauling 8-10 foot pine sections and load them on the fire.

I've been called out by in regards to building a home up here in the ADK Mountains.

These pics are totally in the wrong order and my ability to make it work properly stinks. I vow to do better next time around! So, I'm sorry but work with me here.

Pine Tongue and Groove - say it with me:

ooohhhhhh ---- Ahhhhhhh! So pretty. So much work. It took an hour to install each course. That doesn't include the HOURS it took to sand, poly, sand, poly, sand, poly and sand each board.

Before upstairs ceiling could be installed (or insulating the attic space), we put up plastic as a vapor barrier. This also keep the nasty itches of insulation in it's place - up there. As you can see by peering out the windows, this was last winter. The walls were insulated but not the ceiling which means it was freakin' cold upstair. With each piece of T&G installed, you could almost feel it get warmer. But it wasn't until the attic was insulated with the very messy blown-in stuff that we got the upstairs above 60 degrees.

--sorry everything is in the wrong order...I'm learn. Or you can let me know how to change the arraingment of the pics once I uploaded them.
~Still Learning Mac.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

No complaints?

(This above pic is for my sis - new rug, you like? Someone obviously does!)
No one has asked about the picture of the cookies mentioned in the last post? Well, here's a few pics from the last few days:

Look past the screen - outside this morning view of my backyard. Ahhh, winter! And -8 outside hence view from inside with reflection from light and screen. Sorry but I wasn't going outside.

My cookies - Can you believe the canisters are still almost full?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa is Coming!

It is true, Santa is approaching! I can *FEEL* it. Maybe it's the craziness of last minute shopping, the long lines, or replaying the same 10 Christmas songs in my head again and again - I am excited! Maybe it's the cookies I made - Peanut Blossoms and used a chocolate cordial on top instead of the usual boring chocolate kiss.

Oh, where you waiting for a picture?


I am delighted these have lasted this long. Usually my cookies don't even hit the cookie jar.

Over the weekend we received something crazy like 18 inches of snow. That's what I heard and I believe them. When the bottom of my car is scraping the top few inches of snow from the driveway that hasn't been plowed yet since "there's no point, it's still snowing", I know we have at least a foot of snow. And this is when the baking of various treats start.

I just heard something that I must admit, sounds like the craziest way to cut down a Christmas tree - ya shoot it down. Yes, that's right. You pick out your evergreen tree, stand back and BANG - shoot it down. Since it's frozen, it should just fall - ? Have you ever heard of this tactic?
I'm sure we will try this next year if I remember.

Happy Solstice!! I'm delighted the sunlight won't be fading away at 4pm!

Friday, December 12, 2008


I work with the public. With the worn Welcome Mat at my front door. I see ALL types of people. I do business with some people that understand completely what I'm saying and I know others are just smiling in nodding. Hey, whatever works for you.

Yesterday these folks from California came in. They were very curious how we live in a climate like this - all cold and such. You think this is cold? Were you in town Monday when it was -12 with an overall high of 8 for the day? No, you missed that and you think THIS is cold? Huh.

They went on to talk about a snowman they tried to create with their son but the snow was too dry to make a snowman. So his wife went in and got a large pot of water figuring she would be able to mix some of the snow together to get it to thicken; like gravy. What does water do when it's below 32 degrees? They ended up with a bit chunk of ice!

Thanx for visiting!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Most of you know have I have a kid - a boy. He's 16 months old - cute, happy and fat. (I can call my kid fat if I want! - And it's not McDonald fat, it's wonderful, kissable, pinchable baby fat.)
Anyways, back to my combustable topic...
At 12:30 this morning, I hear him whining/crying. When he was an infant I took care listening to his cries to try to break the code of exactly why he's crying. Last night wasn't the "crying in my sleep - don't worry mom, I'm fine. Just crying in my sleep" type of cry. After 20 minutes listening to this without any change, I go in to check on him. He's on his belly, with his butt in the air (ohhh, I love how he sleeps!), still doing the whine/cry. Then I see this light...near his legs. I try to trace the light to the source. It wasn't entering from a window and it's not from any light inside of the house. I rub my eyes (hey, it's 1am by now!) and look more intently. It's from his fleece jammies! He's creating sparks!!! Really? {rub eyes more} OH MY!! I ended up downstairs on the couch trying to sooth my Little Racoon back to sleep so I can possibly get more sleep too.
Thankfully, he didn't combust. And, thankfully it's Friday and I'll be able to in tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

House Plans

See house.

See house being built.
See house getting windows, ceilings and walls.
See a couple with baby move in.
See house progress halt.

What happened?

Over the last ohhh, I'd say 3 years we've been planning and constructing this home for us to raise a family in. But the family came early. So actual projects getting their "complete" stamp has been far and few between. It's a tad bit annoying to live in a constant construction zone. Besides the constant smudge of white on my sleeve from the exposed dry wall and my baby discovering random screws on the floor and bringing them to mommy, it's better than apartment dwelling.

Way better.

I would rather have that smudge of white than live next to the Water Hole #3 any day!

Side note - why is it #3? Is there or was there a #1 and #2 somewhere else? Like a franchise?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Yup. Today is The Shopping Day ...and I am at work. I've made 18 cents thus far. Only 5 more hours left - ONLY! Then it's onward to Thanksgiving #2. We always tend to have multiple Thanksgivings since family plans are so hectic.

I need to update the pic on little man isn't this small any longer. Wait - I can't take any new since he's been having a case of a falls - he can't take 5 steps without falling.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wedding Fun!

WOO HOO - my brother is getting hitched!

Next week my brother will officially have the bride of his dreams! The excitement is building and its unbelieveable that this day has *FINALLY* arrived. How exciting!!
I've been looking forward to this date. And not just because I love parties. And not just because of their open bar. (Hey, I don't even know if they are having open bar...rather, I'm not sure that they will have a bar at all. Details, details.) I've been looking forward to this day because my bro will finally have his day. He has witnessed his 2 sisters get married and now its his turn to be stressed out about the lack of forks. It's his turn to freak out because he's running late. It's his turn to remember everything, in case someone forgot. And, it's his turn to keep me out of his Honeymoon Suite so I don't short sheet the bed!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hey - there's a hair in there!

I'm here at work eating my lunch and I discover a hair in my sandwich!!

I pull it out. It's entangled between my provolone cheese and my sliced turkey - goopy from the bleu cheese (yes, I use bleu cheese since I am fearful of mayo).

It's not too long, not too short. Brown hair in MY lunch. EWWWW!!!

I try to forget about it since I'm hungry. And I did make my own lunch this morning so it must be mine. *SIGH* of relief.

Nothing is worse than to discover a nuisance item in your meal.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Da Da Da

The Wee One (AKA Blake) started to recite "Da Da" all weekend - again and again! The "DaDa" is excited until this morning at 3am and the "DaDa" page was called. What do you think he did?

Flipped over and went back to bed and I got up and answered the call!

I'll figure out how to post pics soon...

Friday, March 28, 2008

First Timer

Welcome To My Blogger!
Let me start by saying, I make no promises of keeping this up to date. I'm sorry but I have to prioritize my life these days (the whole there's only so many hours in the day excuse).

The endless possibilities of informing everyone at once is exciting!! I've already pretty much abandoned the telephone due to my 5 minutes of availability between chores and other goings on.

Also, please do not criticize my grammar - if people get to invent words, so can I! Being married to an English teacher is an endless class.